In 2023 ECOSS was fortunate to receive a grant from DEECA- Deer Control Program to install Deer Fencing.
Pollination Place
admin2024-08-09T14:51:42+10:00Pollination Place Pollination Place is a cross pollination of innovative projects addressing food security, climate resilient food growing, carbon drawdown and community. Projects include: Community Viticulture Project: Aims to demonstrate organic wine making principles. Each row is managed differently, experimenting with varieties of vines, organic techniques & soil management practices. Educational Biochar Project:
admin2024-12-02T16:17:00+11:00UpCycles Overview UpCycles is a bicycle maintenance and UpCycling hub, at ECOSS in Wesburn. Here we collect discarded bicycles, and unwanted bicycle parts provided by local bike shops. We work with youth teams and other community members of all abilities to refurbish the bicycles for both charity and for sale at ECOSS. The
Soundscape Box
admin2021-05-03T04:52:26+10:00In collaboration with Aunty Kim and her work to share the Creation Story, a ‘soundscape box’ is to be designed, built and positioned at ECOSS
Stage Renovation Project
admin2021-05-03T04:05:43+10:00ECOSS plans to bring new life to the performance area on the village green through improvements to the stage area.
Crops for Community to Market
admin2023-11-17T12:12:42+11:00‘Crops for Community’ is educating and empowering volunteers of all abilities to create food crops to be available at our weekly produce market.
Reconciliation Week Event 2018
admin2021-05-03T04:07:58+10:00ECOSS embraced the opportunity to immerse in the Wayapa Wuurrk, and had the chance to ask Aunty Kim Wandin and Michelle many questions.
Koori Cubby
admin2021-05-03T04:10:00+10:00The third cubby in our Cultural Homes of the World demonstations- funded by The Andrews Foundation, is our Koori Cubby.
Cultural Homes of the World
admin2021-05-03T04:10:39+10:00Healesville High School year 8 Art Students have almost completed an Earthbag ‘Home of the World’- the first of a series of cubbies that will be constructed funded by a small grant from The Andrews Foundation.
Bunjil the Eagle
admin2021-05-03T04:13:03+10:00Mt Lilydale Mercy College Students building a sculpture of Bunjil the creator as part of our reconciliation event.