This is our Program with all the acts and activities that are happening on Sunday 25 March 2018 at the Ecotopia Earth Festival, Yarra Junction.
Giant Pumpkin Stage
10:00–10:30am Welcome to Country–Aunty Kim Wandin
10:30–10:45 Australian Chin Community Dancers
10.45–11:25 Multicultural Morning Tea & Discussion
11:25–11:55 Tuvalu dancers and speakers
12:00–12:40pm Djirri Djirri Dance Group–Bunjil’s Country
12:40–1:40 Recycled Fashion Parade
1:40–1:50 ‘What is Moop’
1:50–2:25 Ganga Giri
2:25–2:35 Rita Leuzzi on LGBTQI+ & YRC Programs
2:40–3:00 Aztec Dancing
3:00–3:15 Zaar Belly Dancers
3.15-4:00 Kofi Kunkpe & Drummers with Afro Diaspora, dancer
Green Solar Stage – Sponsored by GridEdge Clean Energy Trailer
10:30–11:15am Big Dance Workshop
11:15–11:35 Zaar Belly Dance
11:35–11:45 LGBTQI+ speakers
11:45–12:45pm Big Dance Workshop
1:40–2:20 Yanchakko Choir – Japanese Children’s Choir
2:20–3:00 Tuvalu dancers followed by Climate scientist speaker
3:00–4:00 Didgeridoo Australia–Learn to Play the Didge workshop
Earth Kids Space behind the Museum
Leather Craft Workshop with Akajacks – all day
Flying Fox by Adventure Developments, sponsored by Cire Services- all day
Apple Fun sponsored by Yarra Ranges Council Linking Families – all day
Indigenous doll weaving and activities with Indigaroo- all day
Seedling planting with EDVOS
In the Upper Yarra Museum
Blacksmith Demonstration- all day
Tiny Houses and Rotaloo by Tiny Houses2Go
Donkey Rides with Bert
And more . . .
Moop Patrol Roving Performers
Tree Talk Tour–for the whole family with Sean Marler from Warburton Environment.
Learn about the character of each of the trees on Ecotopia Site
11:00–11:40am Meet at the Museum Gate by 11:00
Rainbow Flag Painting –Yarra Ranges Youth Services Tent on the Green
Haybale Gardening at Baroona (opp. Ben’s Shed) 11:00–3:00
Futsal (Indoor Soccer) in the Yarra Centre 12:00–2:00