What is Red and Blue Gathering?
A participant run, permaculture inspired gathering focusing on establishing thriving, sustainable communities and food growing systems to prepare for a range of future scenarios we may face in the next 50 years
The gathering will host a range of workshops, discussions and events focused on the background, skills, technology, systems and cultural issues surrounding preparation for these scenarios including: Permaculture Theory, Transition, Prepping, Food Growing, Practical Skills, Community, Food Systems, Refuge Design, Trigger Points Special Preps, Speed linking for Preppers
The event is being held at ECOSS eco education center at Wesburn in the Yarra Valley.
Funds raise support the host site ECOSS, Climate Emergency campaign group CACE, and pays for running the event.
Early bird tickets close 17th of October
Second round tickets close 18th of November
For the full program and all other information please visit the Red and Blue website https://www.redandbluegatherings.net/victoria-2019.html.