Yarra Valley ECOSS is proud to present our unique Natural building workshops.
Well known local Natural Builder Tom Neil and Martin Croydon will be hosting the series of workshops currently scheduled for October 2017.
Our straw bale workshops will run on three weekends:
1st weekend (October 14th and 15th): laying bales; cutting bales and tying them together and applying chicken wire.
2nd weekend (October 28th 29th): first render coat
3rd weekend (November18th 19th ): final render coat.
Cost: $100 per person per day with a $100 discount if you book and pay for all 6 days.
Time: 8 am till 4 pm
Participants will be able to learn everything they need to know to to carry out a similar project for themselves. We will be converting a steel truss frame shed 10 metres by 8 metres into a straw bale construction and rendering it . There will be a professional carpenter, steelworker and renderers on site to help and pass on their knowledge.
Tom can be contacted on: 0447384738 or via Email: naturalbuilding@ecoss.org.au