2009 Victorian Bushfires Commemoration and Community
Development Grant
At ECOSS we wanted to host a place whereby community could acknowledge that we live in a bushfire prone area and pay respects to those affected by the 2009 Victorian Bushfires. We have done this by looking at ways to host introspective space, and practical skills for Bushfire Safe Building techniques and preparedness.
Tom Neil hosted a Bushfire Safe Building Workshop on Saturday 30th March, beginning with a talk at ECOSS, including a Fire Safe Building Presentation and guest speakers from CFA, and continuing on to Site Tours in the Valley of Bush-Fire Safe buildings. This was a very interesting day, well presented and ran well.
We have been developing a memorial at ECOSS by Community members using Community Pottery Studio Yarra Valley and Relab. Vickie Basdeo- (RELAB), has run 3 creative sessions at: PEACE FARM tomato festival, 7 Sisters Festival, and Ecotopia. These sessions focussed on creating ephemeral art with the 2009 Bushfires in mind, gathering pieces purposefully designed together with Lucy Pierce’s clay artwork for the final memorial space opening which will be at the Ngulu Festival on 26th May at ECOSS.
The official opening will occur at the Ngulu Festival on May 26th at ECOSS.